Kate, Paw Paw,2019
- from Little Worlds, 2019
I didn’t expect to be in this place as long as I have, but here I am. I married Leslie and raised my two children, Ben and Kate, and discovered and lived a life here. As they were growing up, I told my children stories, mostly at bedtime, about my life before moving to the mountains, as well as memories of my time here. And together we created fictions set in the past or a distant future. The stories were as much invention as real, a curious blend of fact and fantasy.
One story I told Kate—or imagine I told her—envisions our community in a future time, decades from now, when the world is a much different place. The land and people are familiar. Their story is the stuff of life— food and warmth, security, how we communicate and spend our time, our hopes and fears, how we define a life that is at once foreign, yet hidden in our memories. It’s a story we are still writing.
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