Had a wonderful evening on Friday closing out my exhibit at Little Animals Arts Space in downtown Asheville. Very well attended. There were prints from Little Worlds and Helene hanging on the walls and I gave a 30 minute presentation speaking about both.
As you may know I lost 450 books to Helene. I have approximately 70 books left for purchase. The books retail for $65 plus shipping and handling. You can order below. Know you are getting a rare book.
robambergphoto @gmail.com
Little Worlds and Helene in Asheville - last chance
Tomorrow, Friday, January 17, I’ll be closing my exhibit, LittleWorlds/Helene, at Little Animals Art Space in downtown Asheville. The gallery is located at 31 Carolina Lane and the doors open at 5 pm. At 6 pm I will be doing a reading from my recent book and showing photographs from downtown Marshall after Helene. Please join us.
After losing 450 books to the flood in Marshall, I have approximately 75 books left to sell. I don’t know how long they will last. I haven’t made a decision as yet about a reprint, so if you want a copy of what will be a rare book, now is a good time to act. Thanks. To order:
Little Worlds and Helene in Asheville
I will be opening at exhibit of photographs on Saturday the 11th at 5 pm at Little Animals Art Space at 31 Carolina Lane. The prints will be from my recent book, Little Worlds and downtown Marshall after Hurrican Helene. On Tuesday the 14th, I will be presenting work from the two projects at Marlaprops Bookstore in downtown Asheville. This program begins at 6 pm and will include a reading and images from Little Worlds and Helene. And finally, on Friday the 17th at 5 pm I will be doing a reading and showing images back at Little Animals. I will be signing and selling books at all locations. I hope you can join us.
Little Worlds and Helene in Asheville
From January 11th to January 17th will be a busy time for Little Worlds/Helene in Asheville. On Saturday the 11th from 5:00 to 7:30, I’ll be opening an exhibit of prints from my book, Little Worlds, and recent photographs from the Helene flood in Marshall, at Little Animals Space at 31 Carolina Lane in downtown Asheville. On the 14th at 6pm, I’ll be reading and showing images at Malaprops Bookstore in downtown Asheville. And on Friday the 17th at 5pm, I’ll be back at Little Animals to do a reading from Little Worlds, and close the exhibit.
I hope you’ll be able to join us for one or more of these presentations.
Little Worlds
My reading at the Madison County Public Library in Marshall was very successful. I’m thankful to all of the people who came out on a cold night and asked wonderful questions and purchased books. It was a delight for me to present Little Worlds, along with more recent work from the flood, to my home audience. For those of you who missed this presentation, I will be doing an exhibit of prints from Little Worlds and Helene at the Little Animals Gallery on Carolina Lane in downtown Asheville on January 11. That will be followed by a presentation at Malaprops Bookstore in Asheville on January 14, and a talk and continued exhibit at Little Animals on January 17. Hope you can join us for one of these upcoming shows.
Little Worlds at the Madison County Library
“We lost another dog today: little Jasper hit by a truck he was chasing on the main road. He died doing what he loved, chasing things. My favorite time with Jasper was him sitting on my lap and us howling together. He was a great howler, high voice, full- throated, always ready to break into song. But he was a real prick—dominating, mean, wanting to hump constantly, man and beast alike. We buried him in the garden with the others—Rowdy and Vellie, Isabell, Zimmy, Baby Scruff, Afro Scruff, Frank, Cheyenne, Ralph, JD, and more I don’t remember. And I’m not even naming the cats. All of them nurture our garden as they nurtured our lives.”
- from Little Worlds
I will be presenting Little Worlds at the Madison County Public Library in Marshall on Thursday, December 12 at 5:30. I will also be showing images from Hurricane Helene. And signing books.
Little Worlds - Rescheduled at Madison County Library
I’m happy to announce my talk at the Madison County Library in Marshall has been rescheduled for next Thursday, December 12, at 5:30. I’ll be talking about my book, Little Worlds, and the Helene flood. Please join us.
Little Worlds - CommUnity - HELENE
Little Worlds - CommUnity - HELENE
Rob will be presenting his new book, Little Worlds, at the Madison County Public Library in Marshall on Tuesday, December 3 at 5:30. He will also be showing images from downtown Marshall after Helene and signing books.
Littel Worlds -COMMUNITY - Helene
On this Thanksgiving Day, here in Marshall, we have much to be thankful for. We took a hard hit, no doubt. But we’re still standing, recovering, rebuilding. We have friends, volunteers, leaders. We continue to have music and dancing and laughter. We have light and color and creativity. There will be more hard times when we’ll ask a simple question: “What the hell am I doing here, and why?” And we all know the answer: COMMUNITY.
Rob will be presenting his new book, Little Worlds, at the Madison County Public Library in Marshall on Tuesday, December 3 at 5:30. He will also be showing images from downtown Marshall after Helene and signing books.
Little Worlds - CommUnity -HELENE
Rob will be speaking at the Madison County Library in Marshall on Tuesday, December 3, at 5:30. Book signing to follow.
Little Worlds at the Madison County Public Library - When Life Imitates Art
I will be giving a presentation at the Madison County Public Library in Marshall, on Tuesday, December 3rd at 5:30 pm. The talk is titled “When Life Imitates Art” and will feature images and reading from my new book, Little Worlds, and images and commentary from the Hurricane Helene flood. I will be signing books also.
Little Worlds in Charlotte
I’ll be presenting Little Worlds at the Light Factory in Charlotte on Thursday, November 21, at 5 pm. It will also be part of the Annual Members Show so join us if you can. I will also be showing images from the Helene flood in my little world. When life imitates art.
Little Worlds - CommUnity - HELENE
Little Worlds -COMMUNITY -Helene
This coming Thursday, November 14, at 7 pm, I will be speaking and showing photographs from my book, Little Worlds, at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. I had originally planned to speak entirely about the book. But that changed when Helene battered our region. I lost 450 copies of Little Worlds in the flood in Marshall. The book, part documentary and part fiction, speaks in both narratives of a worldwide social collapse. Thus, when Helene destroyed our town, it felt like a case of “When Life Imitates Art.”
The auditorium at CDS is a comfortable venue and if you’re in the Triangle I hope you will consider coming. I’m looking forward to it.
LITTLE WORLDS - CommUnity - Helene
After Helene hammered downtown Marshall, I lost 450 copies of my latest book, Little
Worlds. That left me with about 240 copies. I have since sold approximately 70 copies, which leaves me with 170 copies left to sell. I will be doing book talks in the coming weeks for the Board of Trusties at the Duke Endowment, the Light Factory in Charlotte, the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke, and the Madison County Public Library. I do not expect these remaining copies to last long. I have yet to decide on doing a reprint. So, if you are thinking of buying the book as a holiday gift, or perhaps a treat for yourself, head to my website listed below and order a copy. You can be assured that you will own a rare book and a good read. Thank you for your support.