The "Stay at Home" Pictures


Kelsey Green, Sodom, Madison County, NC 04-15-20


Leslie and I drove over to Sodom on Friday to visit with Kelsey and buy some plants for our garden. It was Leslie’s first time out of the house since she broke her foot four weeks ago so she was ready to get out. In honesty I was more than ready, too, to see a different place and a fresh face.

It was a beautiful day - sunny and bright with a cooling breeze. Kelsey was working in her greenhouses when we got there. She owns and operates, Our Friendly Allies,, a nursery that specializes in medicinal herbs, along with edible plants. It was her busiest time of year and her folks, Sherry and Eric, had her boys for a few days affording her long, uninterrupted days to work.

I’ve not been dealing well with our mandated isolation. Lethargic, lacking motivation, accomplishing the bare minimum. Wondering if time will be like this for the rest of my life. Masks. No travel. Fear of being out in public. Little to say that hasn’t been said.

Seeing Kelsey, and other young people in our community, is heartening. They adapt to necessary changes and take the necessary precautions. They maintain distance, but offer abundant air hugs. They do their work. For Kelsey, having her own herb farm has been a long-held dream. And while this virus has been more than a little disruptive, it has not altered the dream.